Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Greetings from the real world

So Nudi was getting on me about not posting to this blog yet so I thought I would go ahead and post an old poem of mine to get the ball rolling on my end. So here you are party people...

Beautiful White Dove

Sweet youth you fall just short of angels
You are a fulgent inspiring dove
Swooping with grace high up above, my eyes
That are the tint of gold, I am the crow
Who flies awkwardly, close to the ground
Overjoyed, am I to see you ravishing dove,
Your beauty is equal to your poise.
Return you do to perch with me the crow,
You are a girl of baffling beauty,
I am shocked to know you are with me.
I am a moribund crow who is tender
Underneath this rough exterior you see.
Inculpable saint you make my soul content,
Wish it to last, my sweet fragile dove.

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