We've been the victim of several snow storms over the past couple months in the Northeast. These snowfalls remind me of something that pisses me off each and every season: These asshole drivers that don't clean the fucking snow off their cars. Seriously, is it that hard to do?
Granted, I'm a little biased since I drive a somewhat small car, but I still see people with the same size cars as me driving around with a foot of snow on the roof and a little window carved out on the windshield so they can see. If you're in that much of a hurry that you can't clean you're f'ing car off then either invest in a garage or get up earlier.
This goes doubly for those douchebags that drive around in their SUVs. We felt a little sorry for you this summer when gas was so f'ing expensive, but you're probably laughing your ass off now as you're driving over mountains and shit while I'm spinning my wheels in my driveway. Well, if you're able to sit up on your giant driver's seat, then you should be able to clean that snow off the roof too. I understand that you've probably never seen a big sheet of ice fly off a truck and come careening at your tiny Hyundai going 60 miles an hour on the highway because you tower over us normal-sized car owners, but take an extra minute to get that shit off of there.
Don't boo-hoo about not being able to reach it either. That's no fucking excuse. There are step ladders, brooms and big extendable ice scrapers that are made just for dumbasses like you so grab one and get to work.
So please. Have some common fucking courtesy this winter and clean the snow off your fucking car before you get on the road. I took the time to take care of my car. I don't need your lazy snow flying onto mine because you're an asshole.
1 comment:
yeeeeah sixteen inches
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