Wednesday, December 31, 2008

We're tonight's entertainment....

Right, suppose I should write something original in this ol' blog. Well for those of you who do not know, my name is John Fisher, or Fish for those who feel so inclined to call me Fish. Oh, and before you ask, yes YOU can call me Fish; I only say this because you would not believe how many times people have asked me if it is okay to call me Fish, of course it is because it is my nickname. Oh, and for the record, if you're dumb enough to want to ask why my nickname is Fish, than you have no business talking to other human beings in the first place.

A little history about me is, I dislike mostly everything in the entire world that ever did or does exist. I am not a friendless, cynical bastard however, or at least I would like to think I am not. I have some really close friends, all of whom I can count easily on one hand, I would say I have five, five people who I sincerely "like" to be around Oh and if you have to ask your self, "Am I one of those five?" then let me save you some time and just say, no you are not.

Why do I dislike mostly everything? I do approach most situations with a bad out look already. You see, to me I look at everything as being bad, or not worth my time the instant I interact with it. Once I have come in contact with anything, something, it is then up to what ever it is I have interacted with to prove to me that it is worth my time and is something I would like.

Even for bands I like, when I listen to a new song or album by a band I enjoy, I instantly assume it will be awful, it is then up to that band to prove to me that it is still a good band to listen to, and something I would like.
Example over.

I'm explaining all this because Thomas Nudi told me to use this blog for whatever, for reviews, writings, rants, whatever. So, I just want it to be clear, when I review something it means one of two things, One, it proved to me it was worth a damn, or Two, it could not show me any reason to like it. This does not mean that you will not enjoy whatever it is I am reviewing, just that I did not. However, do not worry, I will always try to back my information up with examples or actual reverences if need be, I will not make random observations and general statements. Though I do hate everything, I give everything a chance to prove to me it is worth liking; sadly though that rarely happens.

So, now that this is all out of the way, I will not make my first review here. No, not on a movie, book, band, or....well anything else. No, I will be judging acting, and I am sure by the end of what I have to say, no one will agree with me and some people may hate me, so it goes.

If I had to pick one performance that pissed me off more than any other this year, I could answer that with out question. I do not mean one performance that was "bad", I am not here to judge acting talent, and in fact the most frustrating performance of the year that I saw was easily the best as well. No, I do not want to judge acting talent, but simply say what one performance angered me the most out of all others in 2008. Easily and without question, Heath Ledger's portrayal of The Joker in The Dark Knight. I now hate this character.

Before everyone freaks their shit, I will agree that Ledger's role as the Joker was easily one of the best performances of the season, yet no other role fills me with more hate. Why? I did not always hate Ledger's Joker, I loved it at first; but sadly so did everyone else in the entire world. Suddenly every teenager and manchild in the world has some Joker quote for their myspace and or facebook status. How many times did your friends or family do their crappy Joker impressions for you in a failed attempt at impress you? How much money did giant corporations like Hot Topic make off of impressionable teenagers by selling them cheaply made, very expensive Joker merchandise? How many douche bags did you see dressed as the Joker for Halloween? 3 at MCC alone was my count, what about you! Never was murder, madness, and makeup so popular.

Sorry to swear, I really am, but I had to. I am angry that I can not change my myspace status to, "I'm not a monster, I'm just ahead of the curve..." because someone out there who looks at it is going to say, "Oh look, another teenager quoting the Joker, how original..." Though I do not care if people judge me, I do care when they judge me as someone I am not! I am not some teenager who thinks the Joker is the best thing on the planet. I am not the asshole continually saying, "why so serious" "It's all part of the plan" or "Good evening ladies and gentlemen..." I am not the one with the why so serious t-shirts. I am not the one who put on make up for Halloween so I could look like everyone else who saw The Dark Knight; I did not dye my hair green.

The reason I am mad at Heath Ledger's Joker is not because of Ledger at all, but because everyone in the world seemed to think it was the greatest thing on the planet and still will not stop talking about it, or doing crappy impressions. Christ! Ledger's performance was good, but it was not the end all be all of acting talent! It was a great performance though, and everyone talked about it too damn much, and they killed it, they drove it as hard as they could into the ground and they are still driving it deeper and deeper! They will not forget about it, not as long as some big company can find a way to make a buck off of all the hype.

I am pissed because I can not publicly say I enjoyed the Dark Knight with out someone immediately quoting a line the Joker said in the movie. I would kill to hear this happen...

Fish: "So I really like that Dark Knight movie"
Someone else: "Oh yeah that was good...*clears throat* 'People are dying Alfred what would you have me do?"'

But no, I always have to hear a Joke quote,; why? Because he's in, he's in with the hip crowd, the nerd crowd, the emo crowd, the goth crowd, the smart crowd, the dumb crowd, the jock crowd, the good people crowd, and especially the bad people crowd.

In closing, because fuck me this has gone on way too long. Maybe I am just an asshole and hate when the things I enjoy and like become popular. Yet, I believe there is a line between liking something and trying to show off you like something in order to impress other people, and that is what happened with Ledger's Joker. Every so often something comes along that people enjoy and have to tell everyone else they enjoy it so they can feel accepted. The worst part is, this did not make comic books any cooler, people still consider them lame. The people who wear the "why so serious?" shirts or any other Joker crap, the majority of them do not know the first thing about the Joker, Batman, Two Face, or any of this comic book jazz. Obviously not everyone who claims they like the Joker character and the Dark Knight movie are assholes, but a lot of them are just along for the ride, and next year something new and shiny will come out and that Joker t-shirt goes in the back of the closet and is never put on again, and that sucks. It sucks that such a great performance will just be forgotten like that by most people because it was the cool thing to get behind. It is a shame that people can not just like something, they can not just enjoy what they enjoy quietly; no the majority of people have to tell the world what they like, they have to make sure every single person they come in contact with knows they like this movie, that band, this show, this food, this drink, this place, or this whatever. It is all about impressing people in the end, all this Joker shit, it is about trying to make other people see that you are as cool as they are. This is going to sound messed up but I am glad Heath Ledger is dead, because I do not think he would want to see what became of his character. He did not work so hard on the Joker so a 13 year old private school GIRL who has never even stepped foot in a comic books store or has even seen a movie that was not a "teen movie", could dress up like his Joker and go to a high school party, get drunk of wine coolers and get drilled by some drunk asshole on his parents bed while she's passed out and helpless. At least, I hope he didn't work so hard on the Joker for that...

Greetings from the real world

So Nudi was getting on me about not posting to this blog yet so I thought I would go ahead and post an old poem of mine to get the ball rolling on my end. So here you are party people...

Beautiful White Dove

Sweet youth you fall just short of angels
You are a fulgent inspiring dove
Swooping with grace high up above, my eyes
That are the tint of gold, I am the crow
Who flies awkwardly, close to the ground
Overjoyed, am I to see you ravishing dove,
Your beauty is equal to your poise.
Return you do to perch with me the crow,
You are a girl of baffling beauty,
I am shocked to know you are with me.
I am a moribund crow who is tender
Underneath this rough exterior you see.
Inculpable saint you make my soul content,
Wish it to last, my sweet fragile dove.

An Observation: Tears

Sometimes when you yawn
a tear or two falls from the corner of your eye.
There's probably some scientific explanation for it
but I like to think, that in the back of your mind,
there's something sad you can't recognize that's causing it.
Those occasional tears are the perfect company to the yawn,
as whatever was planning on making you sad will be resolved
in a dream soon to come.
You just won't have to deal with it awake.


Also, please welcome our newest contributor L.D. Knowlton... The "L" stands for Lieutenant Doug Knowlton...

No it doesn't. I just made that up.

I am so sorry.

Keep readin' we'll keep postin'.

- Nudi

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Grindin' Gears: Flushing Urinals

So I drink a lot of water throughout the course of any given work day. This sends me to the bathroom on numerous occasions. I don't mind all that much because it gets me up and moving around. Unfortunately, more often than not, I end up getting to the men's room and just getting pissed off. (I guess in this case it really is a lot better than being pissed on, but still)

I just hate the fact that people can't seem to figure out or are too goddamn lazy to flush the fucking urinal. Seriously, is it that hard to do? I always thought that was a common courtesy, especially in a public restroom. I mean, if you're a guy, you know how absolutely disgusting it is to get to a urinal and find a puddle of dark, stinky piss waiting for you. Delightful, isn't it?

That's what I'm trying to say. You're supposed to wash your hands and I understand when people might be a little germaphobic and might not want to touch the handle, but you've gotta wash your hands anyway! It's not like you're going to catch some rare Caribbean dick slug from flushing the goddamn urinal. It takes two seconds and you can even do it with one finger.

So please, do all us guys a favor and flush the fucking urinal. I know you must be busy if you didn't have time to do it before, but I'm asking you as a fellow man, flush it, asshole.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Well it has been about a week...

since the blog has been up and running.

I'm still contemplating on other things to add to it.

We have many new members. Aside from the ones you already know: Myself, Dr. Gorchheimer, Chris Ess... We have Chance Gardener writing here as well... A very mysterious man to say the least. James Ferguson, a friend from The Bullet Point Review. Also my pal Fish who has jumped on the bandwagon, his exact quote to me was: "I want to be popular too."

See, if you join up, you'll be popular... And people will love you. If people already love you then... Well, I guess you have nothing to worry about. Needless to say it'd be nice to hear from you anyway, since it's been so long since we talked... Huh?

Enough of my babbling and my senseless and worthless stream of words I put together trying to pass off as well-written sentences. To you readers, get readin' and to my fellow contributors get writin'... and to those of you who want to join up and write, get joinin'.

There's meaning in this post somewhere, I promise.


P.S. Check out the bottom of the page. There's this nifty little button that lets you donate money and stuff (Well, actually just money.) Anyway, I put it there so any visitors could donate whatever they wish so we could work towards some nice features like a domain name. Just a thought...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Grindin' Gears: Audi Drivers

You know what really pisses me off? These douchebags that drive around in their Audis. I have yet to see someone driving one of these cars that isn't a complete asshole. Whether they're cutting people off or not signaling to change lanes or just speeding up and tailgating me, somehow all Audi drivers are douchebags.

How does something like this happen? Is there an application that you have to fill out if you want to buy one of these cars? Is there a series of asshole tests that you have to pass before you're given the keys? There are probably questions about how you'd steal candy from babies, punch old women or sell drugs to grade school students. I just don't understand how an entire customer base can suck so damn much.

Can you imagine if something like this were to happen for another type of product? What if everyone that eats bananas was a complete cockgobbler? Well...that might work given the phallic nature of said product, but you get what I mean. You'd be in line at the supermarket when all of a sudden this banana lover would start stomping his feet behind you getting all huffy about having to wait on line to buy his fucking bananas. Then he'd probably start pushing your stuff out of the way so he can put his fruit on the conveyor belt and he'd probably yell at you, the guy in front of you and the cashier. Then when he finally got up to the front, he'd snatch his receipt up and storm out of the building. Fucking bananas.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Everywhere and Now

We have three writers working on the blog currently. We'd love to have more, feel free to e-mail any of us and we'll be sure to add you as a team member, but please be sure to follow these rules:

- You must be 18 or older.
- You must have some sort of background in writing, art, film, music... Anything creative really and provide an example of your work.
- You must be willing to write at least one entry a week.

Not too hard, right? So let's see some people out there who want to funnel their creativity into something productive submit their "applications". We want this blog to cover a wide range of everything possible and for that we need a wide range of people with different outlooks, attitudes, locations, looks, scenes, whatever. This is EVERYWHERE AND NOW!

Also welcome our newest team member: Chris "Ess"

I promise to have this blog up and running fully by the new year.

- Nudi